Yea. . . as the ball rolls we all know I don't converse about my relationships until they have gone down the crapper. Well, since I'm telling you now you should know what to listen for: the rapid flushing of the toilet. Snort. More so, dating confuses me more (in my mid-30s) than it did when I was in middle school and Andy held my hand at a dance. Pfft.
Here's what I don't get. I thought we were just having a fling, of sorts, and that was it. He's a two-time college dropout, salesman, pot smoker galore, and on a side of lazy I don't like.* So when he started to act upset that I wouldn't be here for his birthday, that I didn't call him for a week or so, that I got a place in Astoria, and others oddities I was a little confused. Even more so, that when I asked him to help me with a dresser he said no. Actually, I should back track.
When I went to Kentucky for work I asked him to drive me to the airport, and he said no. Said he didn't want to and yada yada yada. Then he posted on Facebook that he would have taken me. Seriously. The dresser . . . the other night at his house he tried to tell me that no doesn't mean no. Are you kidding me? This dude is officially the craziest of the bunch I have been with. Granted, Jackass still remains the
biggest ass and jerk-off of the bunch. This insanity gets even better.
This fling dude sent me messages tonight asking about my interview yesterday, which was good, and then when I mentioned that I'm still worried about money he was all "you had to live in Queens." I responded that I'd lived on Long Island for years and paid more out there. Then . . . he's all "I'm not trying to argue with you." This, after tonight's comment amongst others. The more I think about it I think he wanted me to move in with him. Not. Gonna. Happen. A) he lives on the island, B) I don't want to, C) he's a slob, D) his Momma still pays all of his bills. She does that so he won't be back at her house, and it started when he lost his job last year (before getting a new one).Seriously, not including his car payment, car insurance, rent, cable, and utilities he put 1500 on credit cards last month. She called him more than pissed.
Did I mention that last weekend he texted me and tried to pick a fight with me that I needed to be with him and not at my best friend's wedding? He claimed that he was drunk and joking. I swear.
Anyone seeing where this is going . . . insanity-ville. I just don't get the whole "no doesn't mean no" crap. I need a drink because clearly this dating thing only gets dumber as I get older. On an upside, I got hit on by no less than three men in the neighborhood today.
*Don't get me wrong, I like being lazy from time to time . . . just not ALL the time.